How to Reduce Rs 20,000 Worth of Traffic Fines To Just Rs 1,000? Here’s the solution

Over the last few years, traffic fines imposed on vehicle owners have increased substantially. In some cases, car owners are slapped with extremely high amounts of fines for even the smallest offenses. However, there is a lesser-known yet highly effective solution that can significantly reduce these fines. Recently, sharing this exact solution, a person on Reddit shared his story. He revealed that in order to reduce his fine of Rs 20,000 to Rs 1,000, he had to visit the Lok Adalat. Here’s how he did it.

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Slapped with a Rs 20,000 fine

As stated, this entire story has been shared by a user on Reddit. He started by mentioning that back in December, one of his friends borrowed his car to go to a wedding. He explained that his friend was driving from Noida to Faridabad. However, he was stopped by Delhi traffic police.

The user elaborated that his friend was caught with an expired Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUCC). He added that his friend mentioned to the police that the certificate had expired just two days prior. However, the police authorities were reluctant and instead issued two hefty challans.

As reported, a Rs 10,000 challan was given to the driver. In addition, they also handed a Rs 10,000 challan to the owner. This brought the total challan amount to Rs 20,000. After getting informed about these huge fines levied by the Delhi traffic police, the car owner was alarmed.

The solution

Delhi high court

After worrying about this heavy fine, the car owner mentioned that he went in search of a solution to this issue. During this, he asked fellow users on Reddit to suggest a solution. So this is where he learned about Lok Adalat. For those who may not be aware, Lok Adalat is a forum for settling disputes and traffic fines at significantly reduced rates.

It is held every three months in Delhi courts. So after learning about this and getting valuable insights from Reddit users, the owner became reassured about the process. He was then encouraged to consider this option.

Preparing for Lok Adalat

In his post, the owner then mentions the entire process which he had to go through to get his fines settled. He explained that he booked an appointment token for the Lok Adalat session on May 7th. He revealed that he did it via the online system. However, he added that it was extremely sluggish. He highlighted that it took about 1.5 hours to print the token.

Lok Adalat Experience

The owner of the car then explained the story of the day of his appointment. He stated that he arrived at the Saket court premises at 10 am. This was his assigned time slot. Upon arrival at the Lok Adalat, he saw that there was a huge rush of people just like him. However, after a brief security check, the owner entered the court premises.

Tell me, don’t you hate it when some motorcycle (mostly a Royal Enfield model) with a really loud exhaust revs past your residence on a quiet evening? Also, isn’t it even worse when such loud exhaust notes startle you on the road?

He stated that after finding his way through the crowd, he found the designated court number with the assistance of a traffic policeman. The policeman then signed the appointment token and submitted it inside the court. After a short wait, the car number was called. This is when the owner proceeded inside.

The Reddit user then mentioned that inside, a judge sat behind a glass panel. This judge then quickly reviewed the challan amount. The owner of the car then stated that without much deliberation, the judge reduced the total fine to Rs 1,000. He stated that he levied the fine of Rs 500 for each offense.

So after being relieved, the owner paid the amount in cash. He then received a small payment token as a receipt. The user in the post highlighted that the entire process was surprisingly quick and took only about an hour.

Advice shared by the Reddit user

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The car owner also shared valuable advice which he received from a traffic policeman at the gate. He stated that he was advised to keep the payment token receipt safe. This is because the disposal process would take about a month. He highlighted that this token is crucial for verifying that the fines have been settled.

The post How to Reduce Rs 20,000 Worth of Traffic Fines To Just Rs 1,000? Here’s the solution first appeared on Cartoq.

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