Science builds for Peptan collagen with absorption and skin health studies

Science builds for Peptan collagen with absorption and skin health studies

Data published in Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology​ indicated that 12 weeks of supplementation with 5 g per day of Peptan collagen peptides led to significant improvements in skin density, elasticity and hydration, compared to placebo.

The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial included 85 East Asian women between the ages of 40 and 65, and also found that wrinkle depth was reduced.

“By standardizing facial care, confounding factors related to the participants daily skin care routine were eliminated,” wrote researchers from Rousselot (Belgium) and COSderma Laboratory (France). “This approach allows to conclude that visible signs of skin aging can be delayed by nourishing the skin from within. Given its role in maintaining skin integrity and structure, collagen supplementation offers a non-invasive approach to attenuate signs of skin aging.”

Commenting on the findings, Gaëtan Noiret, global director of health & nutrition at Rousselot, said: “This study solidifies Peptan’s robust scientific foundation as a powerful ingredient for delivering evidence-based beauty solutions globally, including in Asia.


In a second study, published in Frontiers in Nutrition​, researchers from Rousselot, BioTeSys and Triskelion conducted a randomized, double-blind crossover trial to explore the absorption of bioactive di- and tri- peptides and free amino acids from bovine hide, porcine skin and fish skin, each with varying molecular weights.

This bioavailability study included six people and assessed the response to a single 10-gram dose.

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