Walmart Start participant Sundae Body 'ignites joy' on store shelves

Walmart Start participant Sundae Body ignites joy on Walmart shelves

Lizzie Waley, Co-Founder of personal care brand Sundae Body, recently sat down with CosmeticsDesign to discuss the exciting journey of their brand. In this exclusive Q&A, she shares insights on the inspiration behind Sundae Body, the significance of being part of the Walmart Start program, and the unique attributes that set their products apart in the competitive personal care market.

CDU: Can you tell us more about how the idea for the brand came about and what inspired you to create it? 

Lizzie Waley (LW)​: When we launched the brand back in 2021, we set out to infuse a little more joy and fun into the bath and body world, which otherwise felt a little uninspiring. We were tired of our showering routine feeling like a ‘have to’ instead of a ‘really want to’, so we wanted to create products that can bring moments of joy into everyday rituals.

Now more than ever, we are all investing in our self-care and daily beauty routines, and at Sundae, we believe the enjoyment should start from the minute you step INTO the shower – not after. 

The inspiration for this brand came from seeing an opportunity in the body wash category for innovation – there wasn’t a lot happening in the space with bar soap or shower gel being your only options, neither were particularly exciting so we saw an opportunity to bring aspiration and fun to the category. During the development process, we realized there were many other moments in our daily routines that were inherently mundane, particularly when it came to body care. If you have to do it every day, why shouldn’t you enjoy it?

CDU: Being selected as one of the brands for the Walmart Start accelerator program is a significant achievement. Could you share with us what it means for Sundae Body to be part of this initiative and how it will impact the brand’s growth and visibility? 

LW​: We’re so thrilled and honored to be a part of this program – this is a big moment for Sundae as Walmart, of course, is the largest retailer in the world. The visibility and reach they have all over the country means Sundae’s projected brand awareness and growth are looking boundless, as we’ve seen from last year’s program alumni. 

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