Wanted: Classic editions of Construction News

A letter has flooded in to Construction News Towers with an appeal for help.

Philip Brown, a retired welder living in Wales, is looking for a specific back copy of CN from the 1980s.

Brown worked on a Doncaster colliery at the time, and the project featured on the cover.

He is now looking to find a copy of the issue in question to remind him of the “beautiful job done” (read the full letter below).

Sadly, our library does not stretch back that far, so we are unable to help with this query.

Which is why we’re asking our readers for help.

Do you have a copy of the elusive issue? Do you have any other back copies of Construction News that you no longer need?

If so, we’d be glad to take them off your hands.

If you can assist, then email the editor at colin.marrs@emap.com

Dear everyone,

I have been given this address regarding where I can buy a magazine, Construction News, which I remember well in my working days.

The one particular one I want is probably 1980s. On the cover is Thorne Colliery Doncaster and it was the first box girder headframe that was constructed for the colliery.

I worked as a welder at the time on the construction and I believe Fairfield Mabey or Mabey Bridge won the Queen’s Award for the job done.

I would be very grateful if you could let me know how I can get hold of a copy. I am going blind now but I remember a beautiful job done.

Philip Brown

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